
Amazon Redshift is a data warehouse product developed by Amazon and is a part of Amazon's cloud platform, Amazon Web Services. Redshift is a relational database management system designed specifically for OLAP and built on top of PostgreSQL and ParAccel's Massive Parallel Processing technology, leveraging its distributed architecture, columnar storage, and column compression to execute exploratory queries quickly. Due to being based off of PostgreSQL, Redshift allows clients to make connections and execute DDL and DML SQL statements using JDBC or ODBC.

Query Interface


Redshift supports a majority of the standard DDL statements to create and define tables and DML statements to manipulate the data stored within the database. Furthermore, Redshift supports scalar User-Defined Functions that can be constructed either via a SQL SELECT clause or a Python program.

In addition, there are certain functions that can only be executed on the Leader Node, primarily functions to query the database schema and implements various extensions to SQL, such as aggregate functions, string functions, and JSON functions although careful care must be taken to the many PostgreSQL features that became unsupported in Redshift.

Query Compilation

Code Generation

The query execution plan is generated at the Leader Node of a particular Redshift cluster. The Leader (Coordinator) Node is responsible for evaluating all the possible execution plans and cost effectiveness of each plan. The leader node rewrites the query, generates compiled C++ code, and sends the compiled binaries to the compute nodes for execution.

Storage Architecture


Redshift uses disk storage. In the distributed system, all the data is stored at the compute node layer. Based on the particular distribution style elected for a particular table, the Leader Node will either duplicate the data across all the compute nodes or partition the data across all the compute nodes. Furthermore, each compute node will partition its data across its CPU slices in order to achieve maximum parallel computation. To ensure data existence across node or slice failures, data is duplicated at other Node slices and other Nodes in the system.

System Architecture


Redshift clusters take a two-tiered architecture approach. The Leader Node serves the role as the coordinator and handles accepting client query requests, generating the query plan, and handles the dispatch of query fragments to compute nodes and the integration of the results from compute nodes.

The compute nodes adopt a shared-nothing architecture, with each node having dedicated CPU, memory, and disk storage. The Leader Node is responsible for determining which nodes store which data and will only dispatch a query fragment if the query touches data stored on that compute node. For performance reasons, each compute node assigns a portion of memory and disk to each CPU slice for parallel processing.

To preserve data availability during disk or node failure, Redshift utilizes synchronous replication to save redundant copies of the data on other Nodes in the system and, occasionally, other slices in the same Node. To provide further durability, Redshift provides complete automated backups to S3 which can then later be used to restore the entire database or a particular table to a cluster.

Isolation Levels


Redshift only supports serializable isolation, implemented utilizing table-level locking, which provides transactions with the illusion that only they are acting on a table at a time and that the result is equivalent to a serial execution of the transactions. In the event that a transaction executes an operation that would violate serializability, the violating transaction would be aborted and rolled back.

Concurrency Control

Multi-version Concurrency Control (MVCC)

Although not explicitly stated, Redshift utilizes Multi Version Concurrency Control. In particular, queries capture a snapshot of the latest committed version of the data at the time a SELECT query is executed. Redshift prevents write-write conflicts from happening by forcing a transaction to obtain a table-level write lock and only allowing a transaction to release all its write locks at COMMIT or ABORT. Furthermore, a VACUUM operation is required in order to remove all records marked for deletion and also perform any resorting operations that may or may not be required.

However, Redshift does not offer deadlock prevention or deadlock detection unless one of the transaction attempts to execute an operation that violates the serializable isolation. As such, Redshift warns users to schedule transaction operations in a way that would prevent any deadlock from arising in the first place, such as by updating tables in the same order or taking locks in the same order.

Query Execution

Materialized Model

Redshift utilizes the materialized query processing model, where each processing step emits the entire result at a time. The leader node is responsible for coordinating query execution on the compute nodes and is responsible for stitching together the results of all the compute nodes into a final result returned to the user.

To improve performance, Redshift adopted the late materialization technique where reconstructing the entire row, utilizing the value's block position, is delayed until later steps in the process. Furthermore, Redshift utilizes zone map optimization for its sequential scan, storing a min and max value in the header of each disk block to allow the executor to determine whether a block can be skipped.

Storage Model

Decomposition Storage Model (Columnar)

Redshift utilizes columnar storage as opposed to row storage. Instead of storing the entire row record together, Redshift stores the values of each table column together. This allows Redshift to pack data together and apply compression in order to minimize disk I/O during query execution. A row can be stitched together by utilizing the offset of a specific value.

Foreign Keys


Redshift supports the concept of foreign keys but does not actually enforce the foreign key constraint. Redshift does utilize foreign keys as pieces of information during the query planning and optimization stage but does not take computational overhead to ensure the constraint is valid. Instead, Redshift relies on the application where the data originated to ensure that the foreign key constraint is valid.

Storage Organization

Heaps Sorted Files

On tables without a sort key specified and that remains unsorted, Redshift preserves the order in which the records are originally inserted in. In the unsorted scenario, Redshift stores data in 1MB blocks on disk where new records are simply appended to the end.

On tables with a sort key specified, Redshift stores the "sorted" portion of the data in sorted blocks on disk. Adding new data to the table except for special cases listed below will result in the data being appended to the "unsorted" portion that will only be merged into the "sorted" potion upon a VACUUM. In addition, Redshift provides that the COPY command will automatically sort the incoming data.

The specific cases that will preserve sortedness of the data are: - The sort column is NOT NULL and there is only 1 sort column - Using COPY into an empty table - Table is 100% sorted and the data can be appended in sort-order to the end Under the above cases, a VACUUM operation will become unnecessary

Stored Procedures

Not Supported

Stored procedures, from PostgreSQL, are not supported.


Dictionary Encoding Delta Encoding Run-Length Encoding Naïve (Page-Level) Bit Packing / Mostly Encoding

Redshift allows for the columns to be compressed, reducing data size and storing more data within each disk block. This allows for reduced disk I/O and improves query performance. Column compression will be automatically applied when loading data into Redshift using the COPY command but can also be selected manually.

Redshift allows for the following possible compression options.


Raw encoding stores the data as-is. None of the values are compressed. By default, no compression is applied to columns of the original data defined as the sort key and values with datatypes BOOLEAN, REAL, and DOUBLE.


Under this encoding, for each 1MB block on disk, a dictionary mapping up to 256 unique values to a single byte is created. In the original data, those values are replaced with the corresponding single byte. If the number of unique column data values exceed 256, those data values are stored raw in the block. This encoding is primarily suited for columns containing a limited number of char values and does not support BOOLEAN datatypes.


Under this encoding, for each 1MB block on disk, data is instead stored as the difference relative to the previous value in series. Redshift supports 2 delta variations, DELTA (supports SMALLINT, INT, BIGINT, DATE, TIMESTAMP, DECIMAL) which stores difference as 1-byte values and DELTA32K (INT, BIGINT, DATE, TIMESTAMP, DECIMAL) which stores difference as 2-byte values. Any difference greater than the delta representable is stored raw.


This encoding utilizes packing to reduce storage. In the event that the value cannot be compressed, the original raw value is stored. MOSTLY8 supports SMALLINT, INT, BIGINT, and DECIMAL. MOSTLY16 supports INT, BIGINT, and DECIMAL. MOSTLY32 supports BIGINT and DECIMAL.


Under this encoding, for each 1MB block on disk, consecutive values are replaced with a corresponding tuple that indicates the number of repetitions and the value repeated. This dictionary of values is created per block. Runlength is supported for all datatypes.

Naive Block-level

Under this encoding, each block is compressed with a standard compression algorithm. Particular choices include LZO and ZTSD. For all columns other than the sort key or with types BOOLEAN, REAL, or DOUBLE, LZO is the default compression.

Data Model


Redshift is a relational database even though it is built upon PostgreSQL. Particular reasons are that Redshift does not support many features considered to be part of the "object-relational" definition, such as but not limited to inheritance and definition of custom structured types.


Logical Logging

Redshift provides logging for both audit purposes and also for all operations executed by transactions on the system. In particular, Redshift logs the raw SQL statements that are executed by users and transactions in the system. Furthermore, with the auditing functionality built-in to Redshift, administrators can also track all the SQL statements executed by a specific user.


Virtual Views

Redshift supports virtual views. The contents of the view are not directly materialized and the query defining the view is rerun every time the view is being used in another query. DELETE or UPDATE statements cannot be used against the view.


Nested Loop Join Hash Join Sort-Merge Join Broadcast Join Shuffle Join

The query planner and optimizer picks the best join and distributed joining algorithm possible. The three join algorithms utilized by Redshift are Nested-Join, Hash Join which is used for inner and left/right outer joins, and the Merge Join used for inner and outer joins. On Redshift, merge join is only used if the join column is both the distribution and sort key and if the unsorted percentage of the two tables is less than 20%.

In the event that the query planner needs to move data around, Redshift will either perform a redistribution (shuffle) or broadcast one side of the join to all other nodes. If redistribution is needed, Redshift may move table data between slices of a single node or between nodes, utilizing the distribution key if the distribution key is part of the join.


Not Supported

Redshift does not support traditional index data structures such as any of the family of B+ trees or skip lists or radix trees. As such, Redshift does not suffer any computational overhead resulting from the creation, maintenance, or concurrent use of index data structures.

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Derived From

ParAccel, PostgreSQL

Operating Systems



